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Version: 2.2.x


This section contains all the different permissions that can be set withing Simple Calendar. Permissions are role based so players in certain Foundry roles will gain the permissions. These settings allow a GM to customize how and what players are allowed to interact with and change.

View CalendarIf users in this role can view the calendar interface or not.Player, Trusted Player, Assistant GM
Add NotesIf users in these roles are able to add notes to the calendar.Player, Trusted Player, Assistant GM
Reorder NotesIf users in these roles are able to reorder notes on a specific day.Player, Trusted Player, Assistant GM
Change Date and TimeIf users in these roles are able to change the calendars date and time.Player, Trusted Player, Assistant GM
Change CalendarIf users in these roles are able to change the current active calendars.Player, Trusted Player, Assistant GM