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Version: 2.0.x

Display Options

This section is used to configure how different aspects of Simple Calendar are displayed for this calendar.

Date/Time Formatting

A date time format is text containing special tokens. These tokens are replaced with the corresponding date/time information to create a finalized display of that date and time. Below is a list of the different tokens available to use in Simple Calendar and what they do.

Date FormatThis format text is used when displaying a date anywhere in Simple Calendar.MMMM DD, YYYY
Time FormatThis format text is used when displaying a time anywhere in Simple Calendar.HH:mm:ss
Month/Year FormatThis format text is used when displaying just the month and year that appears at the top of a calendar view, above the list of days.MMMM YAYYYYYZ

Below are the tokens used in the above settings fields to configure the date and time to display how you want it to.

TokenDescriptionExample Results
YearYYYear shorthand90 91 ... 19 20
YYYYFull year1990 1991 ... 2019 2020
YNYear name, as determined by the year name settings.Ral's Fury
YAYear prefix as defined in the Year Prefix setting.Pre
YZYear postfix as defined in the Year Postfix setting.AD
MonthMMonths number.1 2 ... 11 12
MMMonths number padded with a zero.01 02 ... 11 12
MMMThe months abbreviated name as defined in the months settings.Jan Feb ... Nov Dec
MMMMThe months full name as defined in the months settings.January February ... November December
DayDDay number.1 2 ... 30 31
DDDay number padded with a zero.01 02 ... 30 31
DODay number appended with its suffix.1st 2nd ... 30th 31st
WeekdaydThe number for the day of the week.1 2 ... 6 7
ddThe number for the day of the week padded with a zero.01 02 ... 06 07
dddThe abbreviated name for the day of the week as defined in the weekday settings.Sun Mon ... Fri Sat
ddddThe full name for the day of the week as defined in the weekday settings.Sunday Monday ... Friday Saturday
HourhThe hours number in the 12 hour format.1 2 ... 11 12
HThe hours number in the 24 hour format0 1 ... 22 23
hhThe hours number padded with a zero in the 12 hour format.01 02 ... 11 12
HHThe hours number padded with a zero in the 24 hour format.00 01 ... 22 23
aThe am/pm indicator for the 12 hour time format in pm
AThe AM/PM indicator for the 12 hour time format in uppercase.AM PM
MinutemThe minutes number.0 1 ... 58 59
mmThe minutes number padded with a zero.00 01 ... 58 59
SecondsThe seconds number.0 1 ... 58 59
ssThe seconds number padded with a zero.00 01 ... 58 59
Text[*] For any text that should be in the format but not processed place square brackets around it.[Don't process this text]