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Version: 2.2.x

Note Settings

This section contains all the options around notes within Simple Calendar.

Note Default Player Visibility

For new notes, if by default the note is visible to all players.

Send Reminders On Login

When a player first logs into foundry, or refreshes the page, if any note reminders on the current day will be sent to them.

Note Categories

This section is used to specify any custom categories for notes.

Note Category Name

This is the name used to identify the custom category. Also used as the display text for the category.

Note Category Color

The color associated with the category. Used as the background color for the category.

Adding a New Note Category

Under the list of note categories there is a button called "Add New Note Category". Clicking this button will add a new note category to the list.

Remove Note Category(s)

Next to each note category is a remove button that will remove that specific note category from the list. Under the list of note categories there is a button called "Remove All Note Categories" that will remove every note category from the list.